Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Professional UI – The Recent List (Part 1)

In this Post I will start to talk about how to project a Professional UI and what it should be useful to develop in order to maintain and create it.

In figure below you can see an UI that I have projected for GSLab, a computational program used to project substation grounding grid.

I toke inspiration by Visual Studio Interface, Microsoft Word and other common application on commercial market. What works for many it should work for few. In this UI it is possible to find many useful features.

  • A Toolbar (Ribbon Style), with items  that appear and disappear it depends on program status.
  • A Status bar that resume all main selections, program status, some user advice
  • A Left Panel where the user input parameters
  • A Start Page that works like a web browser.

Let's concentrate on Start Page.

We can distinguish three areas: Every one of which is very useful for the user’s experience.

Start: Gives to users the mains starting functionalities.

Recent: The List of last used projects.

Html: Area with useful information and links.

Before create this page, we have to create the separate functionalities that it grasp together. These functionalities could be accessed from different parts of the program. For example the "Recent List".

The “Recent List”

What is "the Recent List"?

Well. It is quite trivial to explain it and maybe it is not necessary to do that, but I will try anyway. First of all, it is a list, where we can find a maximum number of project references. This list has a project reference as unique key, this is because a project reference can appear just one time.

A project reference can be seen as a file, a name, a title, doesn't matter. In this particular case a Project Name.

Furthermore, the top item of the list is the last inserted. If an element already exist into the list when we try to insert it, then it is moved on top.


Recent List - State 1
Project C
Project B
Project F

Three projects inserted.

We Add a New project Project Z

Recent List - State 2
Project Z
Project C
Project B
Project F

Four projects inserted.

We Add again a project Project C

Recent List - State 3
Project C
Project Z
Project B
Project F

Four projects inserted.

Now it is clear how it works and we can start to make a class that do that.

Where to store these information?

Also in this case there are many possibilities I decide to use the Windows Registry.

public class FilesHistory: RegistryBase
const int MAX_ELEMENTS = 10;
List moFiles = new List(MAX_ELEMENTS);

public List Files

public FilesHistory(string sCompany, string sApplicationName)

public void Save()

public void Load()

public void Add(string sFileName)

The class definition it is very easy as it should be. It inherited from another class (RegistryBase) that it is not here explained but also easy to create.

A single property “Files” that contains the elements, and three methods: Save, Load, Add.

  • Save, as the name said, saves a list into the registry.
  • Load, loads from the registry and populate the list.
  • Add, append a new item into the list.

The Add() method use a private method Append() as well.

It removes the element instance if exist then append it. If a maximum number of elements is reached the last element is removed.

public void Add(string sFileName)
Append(sFileName); //FIFO

if (moFiles.Count == MAX_ELEMENTS)

The Append() method use a temporary list, where inserts the new element at the top, and then append all the old list.

private void Append(string sFileName)
List moFilesNew = new List(MAX_ELEMENTS);

foreach (string item in moFiles)


Lets check the other two methods Save() and Load():

public void Save()
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; i++)
if (i < moFiles.Count)
Write("Main", "File" + i.ToString(), moFiles[i]);
Write("Main", "File" + i.ToString(), "");

public void Load()
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; i++)
string s = Read("Main", "File" + i.ToString());
if (s != "")

As you can see these two methods uses Write(), and Read() methods inherited from the base class RegistryBase.

Ready to use

Now you are ready to use this class


FilesHistory HistoryFiles = new FilesHistory("MyCompany", "AppID");

The constructor parameters are the keys used for registry storing.

Starting the Application, the list is loaded:


Populate a menu list:

private void RefreshMenuHistory()

    for (int i = 0; i < moApp.HistoryFiles.Files.Count; i++)
        BarButtonItem bt = new BarButtonItem();
        string[] lInfo = moApp.HistoryFiles.Files[i].Split('|');

            bt.Caption = lInfo[1];
            bt.Hint = "Dir: " + lInfo[0];
            bt.Tag = i;

            if (Directory.Exists(lInfo[0] + lInfo[1]))
                bt.ItemClick += bt_ItemClick;
        catch (Exception)

In this case, if a file does not exist the item is removed from the list.

Add new items on the list, when you open a project:

HistoryFiles.Add(ProjectsDir + "|" Project.ProjectName);

I end my explanation here, for the moment you have to enjoy.